- The clubhouse will remain closed and secured while not in scheduled use. It is strictly prohibited to enter the clubhouse prior to your function's scheduled time, even for setup without prior approval.
- All functions shall end no later than scheduled time on contract. Lessee must be present during set-up, for the duration of the event, and during clean-up.
- Use of the clubhouse is limited to one day. The Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis will consider any exceptions.
- Only table or free-standing decorations are allowed. No decorations are to be taped, stapled, tacked, or otherwise attached to ceilings, walls, counters, appliances, floors, or ceiling fans. This includes hanging balloons, streamers, and similar items from trim or ceiling fans. Candles, glitter, confetti, rhinestones, feathers and helium balloons are strictly forbidden.
- Trash must be placed in trash bags provided by NWC as required by city code. Bags must be tied and placed in the city carts. Recyclables (cans, cardboard, plastic bottles) should be placed in the blue city recycle carts, not in the trash. Pizza boxes and other paper or plastic goods with food on them are trash and not recyclable.
- Contracted cleaning service does not include set up of tables/chairs Tables and chairs must be set up at least 2 inches away from the walls.
- Tables must be cleared of items. Do not take down tables and chairs you have used. Contracted cleaning service will clean and take down tables and chairs.
- All areas outside the clubhouse must be cleared of trash and personal items. Contracted cleaning services does not include exterior of clubhouse.
- All food, beverages, and personal property must be removed from the clubhouse at the end of the function. Cleaning contractor will dispose of any remaining items.
- No wet feet or clothing allowed in the clubhouse.
- No smoking permitted in the Clubhouse or restrooms. Smoking only permitted outside. Cigarette butts must be properly disposed of in provided receptacles.
- No pets are allowed in the clubhouse.
- All Vehicles which deliver equipment cannot be driven on the grounds due to our sprinkler system.
- Violations of clubhouse rules or unacceptable conduct may result in suspension of homeowner's use of the clubhouse and/or forfeiture of the deposit.
- Use of lobby other than for a guest entrance is not part of the contract. Use of Weybridge grounds are prohibited for Armadillo guests. Inflatables placed in areas not authorized by HOA are prohibited.