An NWC resident suggested the following alternative to our traditional Easter Egg hunt. Thanks for a great idea to bring some cheer, Roxie!
Here's how it works -
CREATE. You can color an Easter egg online and print or print it and decorate it with any art supplies you already have at home. Here's a site with a variety of egg designs You could go BIG and make a poster-size egg. Or try 3D and use papier maché. Check out this site for instructions: But DON'T GO SHOPPING for supplies; use what you already have at home.
DISPLAY. On Saturday, April 11th, hang the Easter egg where it can be seen from the street but not close enough to the sidewalk to touch (front window, door, garage door, etc.).
HUNT! Residents drive or walk NWC hunting for Easter eggs Saturday or Easter Sunday! Everyone will follow social distancing standards and only hunt with those in their household, not entering others' property.
SHARE. Post here or on your own social media pages about your experience. There are still ways to build community during this time of social distancing!